This may seem like a silly question, but do you really have a concrete raison-d’etre for your business?  Do you have concrete goals regarding what you are trying to accomplish and where you want to be in 3, 5 and 10 years?

Many entrepreneurs get driven into business based on a creative spirit, lusting after an idea that they just can’t shake or for some tactical reason- to be their own boss or cut down their commute- only to find that years later, they haven’t defined any more than that.

You can’t figure out the best way to get somewhere if you don’t know where it is you are going.  Be very clear on your intentions and make them concrete with time frames and milestones.  You can adjust course if you find that your current path unfulfilling at any point, but striving for something gets you a lot farther than just doing what’s immediately in front of you.