From The Entrepreneurship Interview Series

This interview is with phenomenal speaker and author of the incredibly insightful Endless Referrals: Network Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales, the national bestseller, The Go-Giver and the follow up, Go-Givers Sell More.

Bob and I cover a number of topics in our interview, including:

-His Journey From Being a TV Newscaster to Becoming a Renowned Speaker and Author;
-Why Bob Wrote a Fiction Business Book;
-The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success;
-The Law of Left Field;
-The True Definition of Sales;
-And more (including the scandalous super power that Bob would like to have!)

You can listen to the player below (it may not show for some of you) or click here to download or stream the MP3 file.

Learn more about Bob at and get a free chapter of his book!  Feel free to leave comments here as well and I will pass them on to Bob.