I make people think. I make them laugh. I make them money.

Milestones, Memories, and Celebrations

This is a big year for milestones for me and my company, Point A to Point B Transitions Inc. I founded my company in 2010, so this year I have been in business for 15 years. For some reason, this seems like a big milestone. I can’t believe I have been working in this business […]

What Ballet and Business Have In Common

I was really taken with one scene from the movie Center Stage where the ballet teacher gently scolds one of the students by reminding her that if there is a problem with her dancing, there is only one thing to do: Go back to the barre. As you may know, barres are a part of […]

Counterintuitive Ways to Approach Boosting Productivity  

When was the last time you did an inventory of how you spend your time? Are you concentrating on things that give you joy or move you closer to your business goals? If you’re spending your valuable time on things that don’t matter, that time could be better spent doing something else.  I loved this […]

Use AI To Identify Gaps, but Don’t Outsource Your Humanity

I will happily admit that AI is great for idea generation. Do you need a list of potential topics for blog posts? Ask AI. Want 10 variations of a blog post title? Use it. Leverage AI to research a topic? Sure.  In addition, there are some things AI can do really well that you’re probably […]

How To Convert Prospects to Clients During a Strategy Session

Have you ever signed up for someone’s free strategy session with the intention of getting value, seeing if there’s a connection, and potentially buying their service? I am sure you have. I know I have.  One time I had the worst experience being the prospect on a strategy session call, also known as a client […]

How to Maintain Productivity While Working at Home

When you run your own business and have the option to work at home, you may initially feel the urge to do the happy dance, work in your pajamas, and shower at lunchtime.  Or, you may feel motivated and start working even as you are drinking your first cup of coffee. In the beginning, you […]

Why Motivation Won’t Get You There

Most people seem to misunderstand what motivation is and what it can and cannot do. I think it’s helpful to think of motivation as a booster rocket, a short burst of energy. Generally, it’s something that won’t be sustained.  Motivation is capricious. You might get a burst of motivation at the start of a project […]

My 3 Words for 2025 

How do you set yourself up for success in the new year? How do you create a lens through which you evaluate all of your professional (and personal) decisions?  “My 3 Words” is my favorite – and the most helpful – year-end exercise I do. I love Chris Brogan’s process and strongly encourage my colleagues […]

Harnessing the Power of Breathwork: A Vital Tool for Entrepreneurs

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, stress is an inevitable companion. However, integrating a daily breathwork practice can be a game-changer, offering you a simple yet powerful tool to enhance overall well-being and productivity.  As a somatic breathwork practitioner and facilitator, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of breathwork. Here are the top five […]

2025 New Year’s Resolutions from Small Businesses

As 2025 has just begun, it’s time to check in with the fabulous CarolRoth.com contributor network of business owners, experts, advisors and entrepreneurs to have them share their own business-related New Year’s resolutions for 2025. We hope that their resolutions will help inspire your own small business motivations throughout the new year. Their resolutions are […]