I make people think. I make them laugh. I make them money.

The ROI of Showing Appreciation in the Workplace 

Sometimes you read a post on LinkedIn that really speaks to you and stays with you, a post that was thoughtfully written, trying to make an impact. One week later, I am still thinking about a post on the ROI and positive ripple effect of showing appreciation in the workplace.  Showing appreciation to colleagues and […]

Are Side Hustles Here to Stay? 

Maybe you saw this article on LinkedIn, “Side hustles gain steam”? Here is the summary:  More than one in three U.S. adults (36%) are supplementing their income with a side hustle, according to a new survey from Bankrate. And the practice is gaining popularity — more than half of side hustlers started after 2022 as […]

Which Kind of Entrepreneur Are You?

In “Let’s Not Confuse Showmanship with Leadership,” small business expert Barry Moltz made a clear distinction between “showmen” and “leaders.” The entrepreneur community is filled with showmen. They are inspirational and charismatic. You hang on their every word. They make you want to follow them into the bright future they just described. Regarding showmen, Moltz […]

2024 Summer Reading Guide for Business-related Books

Inspired by the anniversary of Carol Roth’s instant New York Times bestselling book release of “You Will Own Nothing” (available for purchase here!), we thought we would ask the incredible CarolRoth.com contributor network of business owners, advisors, experts and entrepreneurs to share their top business-related book recommendations for Summer 2024. Their answers are presented below, […]

How to Reset and Get Back to Work

What do you do when you just can’t seem to get started? If you are tired or experiencing brain fog, or if you received some shocking or unpleasant news, how do you put that aside and get to work?  I cannot get started today and I have tried all of my tricks – music, snacks, […]

Entrepreneurship Isn’t Just for Millenials. Generation X Dominates. 

According to this article on the average age of small business owners: Data from a recent study analyzing small business owners by age shows that Generation X remains the dominant group, representing 47% of owners. By the study’s definition, Generation X refers to people born aged 39 to 54 in 2024. This is to say […]

Gone Fishing – July 4th Holiday 2024

We are taking some time off to enjoy the U.S. Independence Day holiday, and a little summer fun. We’ll be back next Tuesday, July 9. We hope you’ll be taking time off to unplug and recharge. Enjoy your holiday!  Photo by Lucie Hošová on Unsplash

Does Running Your Own Business Give You Freedom and Flexibility? 

Having played in the small business / solo consultant space for 14 years, I’ve heard a lot about the freedom and flexibility small business ownership supposedly brings. “Supposedly” is the important part of that sentence. Post pandemic, many people are rethinking everything. I have had a few prospect calls recently where I found myself trying […]

Speed Isn’t Always the Answer

In the “hustle culture” and “startup grind” the bias is for action – fast, decisive action. And sometimes that can be a great way to make progress in your business.  But speed for speed’s sake can lead to errors, confusion, and rework.  Or, something even worse.  I was immediately drawn to the post below by […]

The Proper Role of AI for Thought Leadership Creation

AI definitely has a place for content creation, but where does it fit in for thought leadership creation? These are two different things. I loved this post, “AI for Thought Leadership: 5 Prompts That Get You Halfway There,” by my good friend, Andy Crestodina, Co-Founder and CMO of Orbit Media.  I like Andy’s even-handed evaluations […]