I make people think. I make them laugh. I make them money.

If You’ve Hit the Wall, Try Doing This

When I launched business strategy consulting for consultants, I thought professionals would naturally look for support when they started their business. Instead, they came to me when they hit the wall and were exhausted and frustrated. That point tended to be somewhere between 5-7 years in. You see, in the beginning, you think you can […]

Why Pushing Harder Doesn’t Always Work

Have you ever thought to yourself that you just need to push yourself harder to get something done? Of course you have. We all have. But sometimes you are able to make something happen, and sometimes you just aren’t able to get it finished – or maybe even started. Sometimes, by pushing harder all you’re […]

Procrastination May Be Part of Your Process

Most of my small business clients pay me to help them develop sales and marketing strategies, and also to keep them accountable. Generally, I help people STOP procrastinating and get past blocks. But recently I realized that sometimes procrastination is a predictable part of the creation process.  My small business clients frequently hire me to […]

Positioning Your Pricing and Your Perceived Value 

Pricing your product or service is a critical component of a successful business, but many people struggle with finding the optimal price. I loved a recent post on LinkedIn by Jared Gibson, a co-founder of Outworks, a LinkedIn content agency.  While it is tempting to set your price on the low end, assuming that people […]

Being Direct Doesn’t Have To Be Brutal

Anyone who has spoken with Carol Roth or me will vouch for the fact that we are direct and call it like we see it. Clear and direct communication is generally a good thing. It’s certainly what we should aim for in our writing. However, with verbal communication, especially when communicating something awkward or difficult, […]

Is It Easier To Be an Entrepreneur Now? Or Harder?

Thanks to the internet and inexpensive technology, starting a business is easier than ever. But is that the good or bad news for entrepreneurs? Well, there certainly is a lot of good news. Years ago there were so many things that were almost impossible to do as a solo business owner. Now, if you want […]

Four Tips To Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

Whatever size company you own or work for, chances are at some point you will be in the position where you need to manage virtual contractors or employees, or be a part of a virtual team yourself.  There are several relatively simple things you can do to make this a positive and productive experience for […]

Why Good Boundaries Create Good Clients

I know you have heard the phrase “Good fences make good neighbors.” I want to tell you that good boundaries also lead to good clients – and happier entrepreneurs. I have learned a couple of really important things about boundaries over the years. I have learned the importance of not bending over backwards to help clients […]

How To Get Your Employees To Stop Working

The fastest way to get your employees to stop working for you is to micromanage them and track their every move. I have written posts on this before, but let me reference an expert, Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist at Wharton and #1 New York Times bestselling author, who posted this on LinkedIn:  That’s a […]

Storytelling as a Catalyst for Growth: A Guide for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

In today’s fast-paced business environment, small businesses and entrepreneurs are constantly seeking ways to stand out and grow. Storytelling is a powerful tool which, when used correctly, can be a catalyst for growth, driving engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, success. This article explores a range of best practices for creating compelling narratives that drive growth and […]