Please tell us your ONE best tip to help small businesses effectively market their business, products and services in tough economic times. Please state your tip and share how it helps small businesses improve their marketing. The more creative and unusual, the better! *Please note that only constructive, on-topic submissions about small business marketing tips in a bad economy will be included, one per person only.

The submission deadline is August 5th at Noon Eastern Time.

As a reminder, please just share information and insights (not blatant self/business promotion)- you will get attribution through submitting your photo/logo, name and/or web address.

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Email Address:* (I will email you when the blog goes live.)
Website: (This is the website you want us to link to. Please put only one website and start with https://)
Company Name: (This is the company name to be displayed in the blog.)
Subject/Title: (This is a catchy, short title for a tip.)
Your Submission:* (Must be less than 500 characters. The more unique the better!)

500 of 500 characters remaining
Upload A Photo ( JPG or PNG )

( ideal size is 150 wide x 200 pixels high )
Security Question:*
What is ( 5 + 2 ) equal to?

*Please note that religious or obscene material won’t be accepted. Additionally, all submissions are subject to approval and editing.