I am a consumer of great content and this article, “Five Ways to Improve Your Company’s Culture to Stay Competitive for the Long Term: A Quick Start Guide,” by Mark Scrimenti on LinkedIn was excellent.

Scrimenti is a fractional COO and EOS integrator focused on scaling operations for sustainable growth and profits, and building healthy company cultures for greater employee satisfaction and productivity.

That’s a big goal, but if he follows his own advice, I am sure he can achieve it.

Here is the post that caught my attention:

In the LinkedIn article Scrimenti begins:

If you’re a small to medium-sized business (SMB) owner struggling to find and keep even just adequate talent, I don’t need to tell you how the pandemic continues to disrupt the workplace status quo. As a fractional COO specializing in SMB growth, I’ve talked to countless people like you over the past couple years who are scrambling to change compensation, benefits, job descriptions, recruiting strategies, online marketing tactics, and so on in desperate attempts to reel in better candidates.

Some of these changes may, in fact, help in the short term and/or represent necessary adaptations to the emerging “new normal.” However, longer term, improving your company culture will make the biggest impact on hiring and keeping the talent you need to stay competitive and grow. This is especially true if you’re competing with larger, better resourced companies for the same types of employees.

Today, the best talent has higher expectations and more options than ever in terms of where, how, and with whom they want to work. According to Jobvite’s 2021 survey of job seekers, 86% rated company culture as “somewhat” or “very important” regarding their decision to apply for a job. And the number who consider it “very important” is near 50% and rising. While remote work continues to change the ways companies define and express their cultures, culture remains a critical part of the employee experience, regardless of channel or form.

Fortunately, there are a number of fundamental things you can do to improve your culture now. Most of them have to do with mindset and approach rather than programming, technology, perks, or anything you can simply throw money at. However, most, if not all, of these things will also require behavioral change, depending on where you’re at now—and we all know behavior change is hard. So, while they may sound obvious or simple, I can’t promise they’ll be easy.

Here are five key things most SMBs can do to improve their cultures today.

I highly recommend you read the rest of the article here.