2015 is now upon us! And since sharing a resolution or goal with others often helps with the achievement of that goal, to carry on our yearly tradition, we have once again asked our incredible CarolRoth.com contributor network of business owners, experts, advisors and entrepreneurs to share their own New Year’s business Resolutions for 2015. Let their resolutions provide inspiration for your own business success and goals this year. Their answers are presented below in no particular order.
You may notice some similar resolutions listed, but I kept them separate, as something in the way one is framed may resonate differently with you.

1. Loosen Up the Advertising $$
For 2015, I will project my advertising budget, but I will keep 20% of the budget for unexpected opportunities that may rise up throughout the year!

2. Stop Leaving Money Behind
I have been far too lenient with clients in terms of getting deposits up front, let alone asking for full payment before starting an assignment. I am now armed with a comprehensive contract to share with clients before commencing work. It stipulates some ground rules that I've been too lax about and includes money up front in order to protect me. I can include payment schedules as well so I can stop leaving money on the table or wait unduly long time periods for payment after completion of work.

3. Your American HIgh
I resolve that I will have my very successful local Omaha TV show called "Your Omaha HIgh with Andy Greenberg" rebranded for a national audience to be called Your American HIgh with Andy Greenberg."
Currently, millions daily listen to my radio message and now, it is time for TV. I will be on a national news station!

4. This One's a Sleeper
My top resolution for 2015 is to get more sleep.
What has this got to do with business? Everything.
Everything we do, we do better on more sleep. All the time we spend, we use more productively on more sleep. All the work we do, we do more accurately on more sleep. All our relationships with people around us work better on more sleep.
And I know I have not been getting enough sleep.
More sleep means better business and that's my goal.

5. Resolutions Kill!
Most resolutions are quickly forgotten because they fail to inspire. Basically, resolutions are BORING! So, dump the resolutions and choose to create a rich, vibrant vision. Create a vision that is personally meaningful, gets you excited and you’re unsure how you’re going to achieve it. Once you have your vision, all you need to do is get started with the first step and trust that it’s possible to dream BIG!

6. Sell into the Enterprise
Voices.com's 2015 business resolution is to sell into the enterprise. We want to raise our sights and move our sales strategy up-market by selling into the world's largest organizations. The engagements here would be better structured with clearer communication, as well as larger in size. Making this resolution happen will get us even closer to our overall industry goals for the year.

7. Slow Down in 2015
Business owners typically work too hard and it’s their own fault. My 2015 business New Year resolution is to SLOW DOWN.
I don’t delegate enough and next year, my nick name will be “The Delegator”. I'll accomplish this by adopting the following habits:
- Never wait for someone to volunteer
- Training others
- Start the project and turn it over to someone else
- Be patient
- Trust others
- Think Delegate FIRST

8. Regrettable Business Hangover
My 2014 business 'hangover' is not seeing the projects I started through to completion. Working within an office environment can mean juggling many hats and taking up too many responsibilities for one to handle, which means that content deadlines are often missed. Therefore, my New Year's resolution for 2015 will be to stop saying YES and ALWAYS finish what I set out to do.

9. The Same Resolution Every Year
Eat more lobster, play more golf.

10. Stop Trying to Do Everything
In 2015, I am making a major change in my business in that I am bringing in two sales professionals to manage sales, client management, and business development. I do not enjoy doing that type of work and I am not good at it. So, it is time for me to get out of the way and let people who enjoy sales and client management manage that part of my business.

11. Organic Growth
Success doesn't follow those who jump up and down saying look at me. But, it does follow confidence and organic growth. Be confident, but not arrogant; people can smell arrogance a mile away. Smile when you type. Try the old fashioned art of speaking by picking up the phone once in a while instead of sending that endless email chain. It works for me!

12. Time to Take It BIG!
As a women's career coach, leadership trainer and Forbes contributor, I've had big dreams come true in my work. But, as I think about what I really want next, I realize that my biggest dream is to share amazing stories of women's success and growth in a bigger way. My resolution for 2015 is launching a web TV show that features top female movers and shakers from business, startup, arts, and lifestyle. In 2015, I want to give women much more to ponder that shows what women are truly capable of!

13. Diversify Revenue Sources
2014 has been a great year and I've seen tremendous growth in my business since leaving my job in June.
My focus has been on solidifying my current revenue stream and growing it as much as possible.
In 2015, it's time to spread my wings (so to speak) and start rolling out plans that I've had in the works for a while.
It's far too easy to get complacent when things are going well and that's a serious financial risk that I'll look to fix.

14. HOT Keys Ignite HOT Sales
Content marketing is HOT and for me, it has created some HOT sales. My education based marketing resolution for 2015 is four-fold: I will write my daily business blog; will publish one article per week for LinkedIn Pulse; will respond to PR opportunities such as Carol Roth and will seek having my business column syndicated. For me, 2015 will focus on HOT marketing through HOT keys igniting HOT Sales.

15. Drip it!
Upload daily videos to give writer's tips to get 6-figure book deals with publishers.

16. Resolve NOT to Resolve!
Putting off action that you want to take until next year, or some arbitrary date, means that you are also delaying results. As a business owner, make two resolutions all year round. The first is to resolve to clarify your specific business goals and write them down. The second is to put those goals into action now.
"Resolve NOT to resolve" means to avoid the New Year's resolution trap. Act on your goals today, measure progress regularly, and write new goals when you accomplish old ones.

17. Keep 'Em in the Loop
Remember, relationship marketing means, well, you have to reach out and stay in touch. For a client based business and I am hard pressed to think of a business that is not client based, remember your end user. Keep your data base up to date and use it with witty, pithy, letters/advertisements of thanks with discount offers for more business. Quarterly letters can tell the consumer stories of human interest and tie that back to your product. Woo your customers with facts, humor and good will.

18. Declare 2015 the Year of Fun
What would your life look like if you built your work and your life around FUN? I'm declaring 2015 my year of fun.
I'm determined to do more of what I love (speaking to groups about work-life balance, go to more garage sales, launch my group program to help busy business owners take more vacations without losing money, read more books strictly for pleasure, do jigsaw puzzles, spend time at the beach, and hang out with friends).
What’s on your fun list?

19. Be Creative!
Every idea that runs through my mind next year will be "OverNormally"-Creative. 2015 is the year for creating new ways of doing the same old "tried and true" things!
Thanks to: Kathleen Anderson of

20. Back to the (YES) Basics
Each quarter and especially toward the end of a year, I pull out my yearly goals.
I celebrate the ones that I've accomplished, acknowledge the milestones I've hit and get rid of the goals I've taken no action to accomplish.
Then, I CALL people and thank them for being customers, suppliers, service providers, and referral sources. Then, I create what's next.

21. Enhance Your Exposure
Media outlets provide strong exposure for businesses, whether they are national or local. To enhance the exposure of one's enterprise, most entrepreneurs should ambition to contact and build rapport with media outlets. Set a goal at the beginning of the year: For example, you may want to reach out to 25 media outlets locally and 10 nationally. This number can change depending on your comfort level, but set a numerical target. Definitiveness, as provided by a number, is key when setting a goal.

22. Ditch the Technology!
I resolve to ditch (most) technology. With all of the technology present in our lives, we talk less to others and rely on Twitter for conversation. We use an app for project tracking and Google Docs to write our blogs, but complain that we have a hard time writing content. We hear our phones buzz with notifications and multi-task like the best of them.
So, for 2015, I am ditching the text wasters, app overload, and time suckers and trading it in for meaningful conversation and observations.

23. Be Your Own Barbara Walters
I’d like to paraphrase Barbara Walters from her retirement interview, “If I didn’t tell anyone about my primetime interview specials, no one would watch.” To become known as an expert in your field, you have to show people who you are and what you do. Make every effort to ramp up your speaking engagements, guest posts, and social media efforts. Get your name and face out there, so everyone will know who you are and what you do. You are the best PR person for you.

24. Will Break for Fun
I resolve to schedule regular "fun breaks" into my daily routine. Like many sole proprietors, I often work 10+ hours M-F, half a day most weekends and eat lunch at my desk. For 2015, I'm going to take more walks with the dog, book time-slots for exercising and practicing the piano, meet friends for tea, and revisit hobbies that have fallen by the wayside. I'll also reward myself for finished projects with an afternoon off - to spend shopping! In other words, be a great boss to myself.

25. Kick Tire-Kickers to the Curb
In 2015, prospects will still be able to ask basic questions, as there's never a trade of vital information, including fees. A free 15-minute Clarity & Confirmation Session will still be on the table, if they're truly ready to have a book or business mastermind content ghostwritten to leverage their brands.
Then, the meter starts. Either we'll work together or we won't.
“...for those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.” ~ Sir Mark Young, Gov. of Hong Kong, 1946

26. Becoming It!
I will make a steady, strong effort to not just keep a positive outlook, but to carry within me, a very strong, inner feeling of how wonderful the new direction is that I am taking in my career and business.
NOOO inner feelings of being unsure or lack of belief in my capabilities- knowing that I am truly excellent and my past performances prove my capabilities to me, over & over.
To be filled with & exhume confidence to all those around me. To realize my own worth.

27. PR for Parakeets!
My goal for Pixelkeet in 2015 is to make my parakeet, Lord Jello Worthington II, a well-known company mascot. He's already been mentioned in Fast Company and a variety of other news outlets. This is only the beginning. By the end of next year, Jello will be the world's most famous Vice Parakeet of Markeeting.

28. Monetize Your Passion
I design, illustrate and publish books for people - and see everyone but me making money from writing books.
This year, it will be me.
No more just watching others have huge impact - combining my radio show and books (in all 5 modes: audio, video, print, ebook and Kindle) will be a blast!

29. Walk Your Talk!
I combine all my New Year's resolutions into one: "Walk My Talk" is a way to implement all of the strategies I recommend to my clients in my own business: 1) Building a powerful list of potential clients, 2) Targeted networking with likeminded business owners, 3) Daily conversations that support my business objectives, 4) Don't give away the farm, but give my clients irresistible choices to work with me, and 5) Keep my website, blog and social media current, relevant and attractive. Happy New Year!

30. Success Has 0 Finish Line
My ONE thought for 2015 is to redouble efforts to take Operation Just ONE Can to the next level. Does it mean spend more time? Crank out ONE extra e-mail a day? Absolutely OJOC has been VERY fortunate with quite a few acknowledgements over the last six years. The crowning accolade was being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. Still, things can ALWAYS be accomplished "cleaner, smoother, better, faster".

31. Compassionate Business
In 2015, my priority is to treat customers and vendors with as much compassion as I am able. It is more than clear that the more compassion I can enact toward others has a direct effect not only on me and the people I come into contact with, but also on my whole business altogether. Thus, my core resolution for 2015!!

32. End Hungr/Povrty/War/Climte Ch
In 2015, I will continue to educate businesses how they can profit by turning hunger and poverty into sufficiency, war and violence into peace, and catastrophic climate change into planetary balance. I will do this through writing, speaking, and consulting, using the positive motive of profit rather than guilt.

33. How to Discover Your Purpose
For many years, I had no Purpose and definitely no Focus. How can you Focus if you're unsure of your Purpose, right? I was always searching - and am still learning. I devoured all of the self help material on offer, but nothing was materializing for me. Sound familiar? Then, it hit me; I lacked application. I love the massive genre of self-help and my goal in 2015 is to apply my knowledge to help others navigate to the best there is.

34. Managing Marketing ROI
My main business resolution is to better analyze where we spend our marketing dollars and come up with a repeatable method for discerning the ROI. We spend money on numerous trade shows, SEO, Google AdWords, business intelligence software and various marketing campaigns. Most of the time, we use an overview approach to results without digging into a true cost benefit analysis. For 2015, I want to measure this on a true cost per lead basis to direct our resources more efficiently in the future.

35. Flex; Stretch; Change; Repeat
In 2015, break the concrete crust off your brain and your business strategies. Try some of those new ideas from those books you've read & workshops you attended. Follow up on all those networking contacts instead of making a business card collage. Respond to market trends instead of spending hours justifying "the way I've always done it." Embrace that nervous, new, excitement of taking a risk and enjoy the flexibility of entrepreneurship. Then, you can reap the rewards ($$ + Fun) of adaptability.

36. No Shoemaker's Child Syndrome
2015 is the year this victim of shoemaker's child syndrome catches up on her own marketing! As a PR pro, I often neglect my own marketing, which really isn't a wise way to go and doesn't set a great example for my clients. After all, if I can't take care of my own marketing, how can I attend to theirs? So, I'm starting with a new site, new head shot, etc. Looking forward to catching up on these neglected but needed marketing elements.

37. A New Year, a New Way!
My number-one business resolution for 2015 is to create an editorial calendar and stick to it.
This year was too focused on "reacting" to what was going on - next year, we'll be "proactively" planning out what we'll share, adding in "extras" as space and time allow.
This new way of handling content is much more likely to lead us to reaching traffic and engagement goals.
May 2015 bring you all you strive for...and more!

38. Plan Bigger Than Yourself
“A fool with a plan is better than a genius without one.” T. Boone Pickens
Create a plan bigger than you and do what it takes to make it happen.
Springtime 2013 was boom time for City Launch PR. I had just created our first working business plan: a few pages of goals and a success statement.
Fast forward 18 months; Employee, financial, and location goals were real.
New Year’s Resolutions for businesses do fail. Keep it simple. Plan with passion. Your cash flow with thank you for it.

39. Zero Out Adversity!
I will continue to shift my perceptions and responses to adverse situations and circumstances to minimize my experience of adversity, so more time and energy is available to foster creativity, productivity, and achievement.

40. Scheduled Social Media Time!
While I know that visiting social media leads to wasting time and lost focus, I just can't seem to help it. Once in a while, I have the urge to jump on Facebook and see what discussions have come back to life, or over to LinkedIn to check on my latest connections.
In 2015, I'm looking to schedule times for this instead. I'll check for specific discussions as part of my morning routine, then jump on again at night. I think this will help me avoid the worry of missing something!

41. Just Keep Swimming...
My New Year’s Resolution is to take one giant step, every week, out of my comfort zone. I will do things I don’t want to do because it will be those things that move me forward in making Happy Fix an extraordinary brand and business. By creating a goal every week, I will take a minimum of 52 steps forward in my business, enabling me to build a business and a brand that will bring joy and happiness to everyone who comes in contact with it, and by extension, with me. 2015 will be amazing!

42. Improve Customer Service
Our new year's resolution is to improve our pre-trip customer phone service. We've worked hard over the past year -- emphasizing customer service as a priority, expanding our team, improving our back office systems, etc., but 2015 is the time to really show our clients and new potential clients the new smarTours approach to customer service.

43. A Stronger Online Experience
My 2015 resolution is to provide a stronger online experience for consumers. We’ll also aim to increase transparency through further enhancement of technology. We’ll continue to use our profits to help those charities in need. And we’ll take aim at international expansion – taking our process into other markets.

44. Stand!
My business new year's resolution is to use my standing desk more.
I have one, I use it and when I do, I generally have a more productive day.
I know it's healthier and better for you, but it hasn't become enough of a habit yet.
Next year, I hope to use it every day.

45. Being Accessible to Clients
My goal for the new year is to make our eating disorder and weight loss programs more accessible to our clients. We live in a New York City where no one has time to do ANYTHING. We are looking to remedy that by opening seven days a week, working nights, and be available at lunch time to make ourselves available to anyone who needs our help.

46. Prioritizing my schedule
In 2015, I plan to set aside 10-20% of my week for long-term projects, those that are important but not urgent. I need to do a better job of prioritizing my harried schedule. Also, I plan to infuse my own hiring biases more into my companies' (210 people) entry-level hiring decisions.

47. Sign Positive Change Clients
My number one resolution for the New Year is to sign clients that align with our agency’s DNA. I know what you’re thinking… that’s a bunch of B.S… but yes, it’s important to me and my agency partners to work with clients that have the same end goal. At Tiny Rebellion, we believe accountable business is the most powerful force for positive change and those who agree are the kind of businesses we want to work with, regardless of size, budget or otherwise.

48. Congratulations! You Won...
Create effortless access to my organization that says I actually care about great customer communication. If the Publisher’s Sweepstakes Prize Patrol were contacting me about delivering my multi-million dollar prize, I sure wouldn’t want them to have to deal with voice mail, wait time, or fill out a form on my website! What are Amazon's business hours? Your customers are looking at your ease of access through Amazon eyes.

49. Do What Works; Kill the Rest
Keep doing what's working and kill everything else. "It's so easy in entrepreneurland to chase new ideas, tactics, and opportunities. But if you've found something that's working well, it's a smarter long term move to do that, do it well, and do it big. We use the new year as an opportunity to clean house on what's not working.

50. Commit to Taking a Leap
Most of us are afraid to take a risk because we might fail, but if we never take that leap to capture the career of our dreams, we won't ever get there. Know what you want and don't worry about failing; if failure is in your head, you won't be fully committed to chasing your dreams.

51. Breaking a Record!!!
My number 1 New Year's Resolution for 2015 is to use Guerrilla Marketing techniques to promote my business on a global scale. Due to the fact that more and more businesses are promoting themselves online, it is getting harder for one man businesses to get noticed. In order to stand out I have decided to participate in breaking a record in The Guinness Book of Records: the record for “World's Longest Webinar”.
What record can you break in 2015?

52. The Year of Inbound Marketing
To succeed in 2015, you need to have more than just a great product and great customer service. That’s why we are fully embracing inbound marketing with our dental blog, twitter, and FB page. As a new company, we don’t have a six figure advertising budget. By putting out quality content that specifically addresses our target customers, we hope to make tab32 a recognized leader in the David and Goliath world of dental software.
Thanks to: Joe Aquilina of

53. I Resolve to Use the Phone
My business resolution is to call people on the phone more often, instead of relying on e-mail as much as possible. I tend to shy away from personal contact, but often, personal contact makes the sale. It's a resolution, so I hope to stick with it for more than month.
I run Fitpacking Weight Loss Backpacking vacations where we guide people in the wilderness to get fit and lose weight. Since we spend a week at a time with clients, personal contact is an important touch.

54. Don't Let SEO Bite You Too
I have some serious marketing goals for the New Year. It's time to stop the hemorrhaging and find a solution for 2015. Search engine optimization is
the key! My position has steadily dropped from Google's 1st to 3rd pg- virtual death sentence. Google's new updates shed light on what Google feels is important. I've made my website mobile friendly & created SUPER FRESH content. Next, align my SEO and Social Media campaigns for laser focus. This is only the cornerstone of my 2015 marketing plan!

55. Floral Design 2015 Resolutions
Decisions Apple Inc. makes move the market. With Apple Pay new on the horizon, we have to adapt to NFC payments. Currently, we use "PayPal Here" for most of our payment processing, but will need to thoroughly vet additional payment options in 2015.

56. Writing the New Year
I resolve, in the first three months of 2015, to write a 30,000 word book for entrepreneurs entitled, "How To Create a Big Idea."
I make this resolution because my literary agent just sold the idea to a leading e-book publisher....and now, I don't have any choice but to write it!

57. No More Procrastination
I will not procrastinate. From now on, I will be calling it conscious deliberation.

58. Counter-intuitive But It Works
GIVE MORE: It sounds counter-intuitive but it works. It's not just a metaphysical concept of what goes around comes around (which I happen to believe) but it’s actually been researched: people who give more make more money. People like doing business with good people – so how are you giving in your business? Is your business active in the community? Maybe the way you get business is to give business to others. What goes around comes around – just not necessarily from the same source.

59. Be Lazy, the Smart Way!
My new year's resolution is to be lazy, but lazy the smart way. I want to be able to stay home from the office and have the business function as effectively as if I was right there with the team. Basically, if the business was a plane, I want it to function on auto-pilot, so I can spend my energy making it run smoother, better, faster, by sitting back and use my brain capacity to oversee and navigate the plane.

60. New Year's Resolution for 2015
I would say our main New Year's resolution for 2015 would be to focus on what happens AFTER the sale.
While most companies are concerned about how to generate more sales and how to turn a window shopper into a customer, we're more concerned with what happens after the sale. We want to create an atmosphere where every single one of our customers feel like they are a part of something. That once they make that purchase, they are a part of our little gang, if you will.
Thanks to: Lindsay White of

61. Develop Agile Thinking
Agile thinking encompasses the ability to recognize multiple approaches to achieve a goal. Multiple approaches ensure continuity, should a business roadblock occur. Better agility includes identification of strategies to address potential events that may derail or slow business. Finally, becoming more agile includes enhanced ability to recognize and rapidly capitalize on new opportunities. As an example, consider what ifs: e.g., losing a major supplier or key.

62. Passive Income in 2015
As a sole proprietor, my main business goal for the year is to generate a stream of passive income. I have just released a book entitled Unleash Your True Athletic Potential. I am planning on doing more speaking engagements and media appearances to increase book sales. I am in the process of creating a membership website where members can learn online. I have owned my business for 10 years and this will hopefully be the first time I earn passive income!

63. Listen to Your Gut
Every successful entrepreneur will tell you that trusting intuition is crucial when making hard choices with little information on hand. The answer may seem evident and all facts speak in its favor, but there is a sinking feeling that something doesn't match up. On a gut level, you feel you have to go against the logic and it’s a decision that’s hard to make. Hard, but necessary! My one and only New Year’s resolution is to listen to my gut, as my intuition hardly ever fails.

64. Inhale the possibilities
Say YES when asked to have coffee with clients, partners, customers and interesting people.

65. No Procrastination! No Fear!
My biggest new year's resolution (besides losing a few pounds) is to stop procrastinating and have no fear! In order for my business to grow, I need to be more focused and productive. I will get the job done BEFORE the deadline. I also refuse to let my fears get in the way of my success as a business owner. My fears also cause me to procrastinate, so if I fear nothing, I will be more productive and procrastination will be a thing of the past.

66. Remove a Hat or Two
This year, our New Year’s Resolution for 2015 is to resolve to help all of our customers remove an additional hat from their wardrobe (since they wear so many) by using our product. Despite our busy schedules and rigorous demands of start-up life - we’ll dedicate the time to educate each and every one so that they will be able to automate tasks they never realized they could: efficiently and affordably.
Thanks to: Donovan Janus of

67. Innovative Mattress Prototypes
My one big resolution for the coming year is to build a 10 foot high, queen sized 3-level bunk bed for the rapid prototyping of 2015 products. Our industry is moving at warped speed and this will help us stay ahead of the curve.

68. I Can Handle the Truth
In 2015, I resolve to react less emotionally when I am criticized and understand the control is inherently mine. Rather than respond defensively, I'll remember to zip my lips and listen to understand. When giving criticism, I resolve to think before I speak and ensure that it is received as helpful and never spiteful.

69. Pursue a Creative Work Culture
We want to create a culture in which we fuel the creativity and growth of our employees, with the existence of outside-the-box work spaces, free healthy snacks and flexible breaks and hours. If they feel like they need 15 minutes of yoga or a bean bag in addition to a desk chair, we want to encourage that! Our goal for 2015 is to make our employees feel nourished while they help the company grow!

70. Strategic Partnerships Rock
Though I'm an online marketing strategist, I believe any business owner looking to experience rapid growth in 2015 should first be working on forming strategic partnerships with other business owners who already work with your type of customer.
When forming strategic partnerships, you now have further exposure for your business & depending on the formation, you'll also reduce your marketing cost tremendously.
Strategic partnerships, along with online marketing strategies rock!

71. Analyzing My Networking ROI
Since starting my business, I have joined a significant number of paid and free networking groups. I wanted to give each 12 months of my time before I made a decision on the impact that this networking has had on obtaining prospects or referrals. I plan to lay out my activities over the past year and determine the ROI of the investments of both my time and money. As renewals come up, I can then have an objective assessment of how this group helped my business. I suggest all do this.

72. Go Global and Mobile
Our goal for 2015 is to publish any idea on everything we offer in 60 seconds or less. We expect to be a $1B game changer in e-commerce apparel and accessories and set the pace. We will get there by continued innovation in mobile commerce and our ambitious, but highly strategic approach to internationalization.

73. Refresh and Reinvent
Always have your core values at the center of your business strategy, but refresh the brand with new technology and delivery methods to keep it relevant and engaging. In 2015, we are hyper focused on serving today’s families in a format that they expect and respond to- digital delivery with online engagement.
Every enterprise needs to refresh and reinvent itself to have value for the next generation of consumers.

74. A Business Resolution
In honor of our 10 year anniversary and re-branding the company, we want to give back to the community for giving us such success. The company wide New Year resolution is to support at least five different charitable events with donations and fundraising efforts.

75. Social Marijuana Media
One of our biggest business resolutions for 2015 is focusing our attention on marketing our product and connecting with our customers via all social media channels. This will help give our organic marijuana more of a face and brand, as well as establish a conversation regarding the benefits of all-natural marijuana versus hydroponic strains. We hope to create a community of loyal Ant's Organic consumers, who will help spread awareness of our product via word-of-mouth.

76. Deliver the Unexpected
Our New Year's Resolution for 2015 is to surprise our clients regularly. Each and every month, Group M resolves to do one extra-extraordinary thing that they were not expecting that will make them shine.

77. Build Powerful Relationships
My new year's resolution is to create a powerful referral network by building strong relationships with professionals who can mutually benefit. Referrals will allow me to skip a few time consuming steps with potential clients and I'll be able to jump right in with all the ways they can benefit from my services. I'm looking forward to getting to know each member of my network personally and making sure that they have a real understanding of my business and why we stand out from our competitors.

78. Make Friends with Writing
When I sit down to write blog posts, or even tweets, about introversion, I do so with the knowledge that if it’s posted publicly, it could be around forever. My New Year’s Resolution is to make friends with writing and to approach the friendship with joy and ease.

79. Breaking Rules in 2015!
Rules are important; I don't want to reinvent wheels that turn so well. But, some rules, or routines, I need to break so that I can power boost my business engine to zoom down new roads!
How to find the rules to break: I'll look for areas of my business that have hit pot-holes this year. Whatever 'rule' I was following in that area, I'll break, evaluate, and research the best routine to implement to generate a more powerful acceleration for a longer road of success or turn onto that new road!

80. Three Degrees of Separation
Most entrepreneurs/businessmen look within their immediate social circle for new business opportunities. After being in business for a while, the pool of new prospects diminish. For 2015, I will strive to connect with people within three degrees of separation, which means our friends’ friends (two degrees), and even our friends’ friends’ friends (three degrees).

81. Promote My City
Working with a hotel in a small city like Madison has really opened my eyes to how codependent the success of a business is to the progression of the city it is based. I’ve learned that businesses can really benefit from helping their city grow. For 2015, I plan to dedicate effort to promoting the city of Madison as a sought-after destination because as the city gains more visitors, businesses will naturally grow with the demand.

82. Ask Your Customers!
To gather more feedback from our customers to help us improve and serve them better. Make dedicated efforts and campaigns to capture feedback from new, existing and potential customers.

83. Where is the Care in Obamacare
As the Affordable Care Act takes effect in 2015, my new year's resolution is to know, understand and communicate the reporting requirements under ACA which is vital to avoiding penalties, remain profitable and grow business.

84. Annoying Clients?
My New Year’s business-related resolution is to continue to work with entrepreneurial, affable and like-minded clients, like we have done so far. I would like 2015 to attract just companies who fit the ethos and values embedded in the culture of our Agency. To put it bluntly, perhaps I should set up a prediction in January and see how many clients who prove to be annoying we can sack by the end of the year. New business is not good to anyone if we need to over-service picky time-wasters, right?

85. Lift for 2015
The greatest gift is unveiling someone’s talents & how to apply them. If individuals working for you have been interviewed or assessed & haven’t received feedback around their talents/strengths – this could be the best start for 2015! Understanding my talent has given me confidence in knowing the possible. When I see individuals working in areas of strength, I see their energy & lift for those around them. Helping others understand their talents is the best way to say Happy New Year!

86. Put My Money Where My Mouth is
Inspired by the women I’m interviewing for my Huffington Post “Successful Women Entrepreneurs Give Back” article series, I’ve decided to move forward with an idea to create a philanthropic organization that supports the pursuit of science, travel, art, and literacy. While I’m building the foundation, I’m going to launch it in spirit by contributing a fixed sum of money each month to a non-profit group that supports one of these areas. The giving begins NOW!
Do you have a business-related New Year’s Resolution that wasn’t included? If you do, please share it below. And as always, many thanks to everyone that contributed to this article!